By Daniel Turbin Most dogs need high protein dog food for healthful growth and optimal development, because protein contributes hugely to a dog's total structural makeup and strengthening its immune system. They may be additionally turned into fat and stored and burned as calories. Particularly, a dog will be needing 22 amino acids, and out of these 22 amino acids, dogs can produce up to 12 and the remaining amino acids needs to be ingested. The vital amino acids that dogs require are as follows: leucine, lysine, methlonine, phenylalanine, threonine, your dog also needs tryptophan, valine, arginine, isoleucine, and histidine. In case a dog doesn't ingest a sufficient amount of any of the afore-mentioned protein types, then some health issues may ensue. Among the several high protein dog food brands which are currently available, it's highly likely that you'll be able to obtain the exact sort of dog food that your pet needs, although certain breeds (particularly th...