For those interested in seeing Europe without the constant, hectic bustle of tourism, relaxing cruises on the Rhine River have proven to be a hit. In addition to a never-ending opportunity to learn to speak German, here is a list of several fun activities to partake in during a Rhine River cruise: Allstate: This town includes a medieval castle, a parish church dating to 1794, a historical museum, and numerous delicious restaurants. Glattfelden: Situated on the River Glatt just above its junction with the Rhine, this town is the hometown of Swiss writer Gottfried Keller and is frequently referred to in his novel “Der grĂ¼ne Heinrich.” Over an old stone bridge is the nearby old town of Eglisau. Rheinfelden: A little town of 7,000 inhabitants situated on the left bank of the river, Rheinfelden is home to a popular salt-water spa, ancient walls and towers, the Fricktaler Museum, and St. Martin’s Church, which dates back to the 15th century. German Beer: Germans produce the best beer in th...
Many people have been wondering about who the antichrist in the Bible is, what his race is, and of course what is his role in the society. Among the many theories that stand out, one of the most recent ones and also the most interesting one would be the one that speculates him to be a muslim. It is because of this theory that many wonder will the antichrist be a muslim.
Now this theory has become so popular that there were even many Bible scholars who wrote arguments about it. In a nutshell, this theory stemmed out from the fact that radical Muslims have been aiming for world domination for many years. It is because of this fact that there was a possibility that the antichrist will be part of these Muslims.
Philip Goodman is one of the most well known Bible scholars who made a book on this theory. Now he is known to only use Bible texts as his references and of course some facts from history to back it up. Now his argument here is that since the Bible says that the leader would be from the East of the former Roman empire, then he will come from Iraq because this is where the former Roman Empire is now.
He also backs it up by quoting Micah chapter five verse five which states that when the times are ending, the Assyrians would try to take over Israel. Now the land formerly known as Assyria is actually now Iraq. So in a sense, the leader, who is supposedly Assyrian, would come from Assyria which is now known as Iraq and is an Islamic nation.
Of course not only the Bible gives some subtle hints about the origin of this man but even the Quran as well. The famous prophet Muhammad was said to have dreamt of this man one time. In his dream, he saw a man with one eye and is known as the Masih ad Dajjal.
The Masih ad Dajjal is known as the false ruler who would rule the world under his own brand of Islam during Judgment Day. He is known to be a man who is able to work miracles and shall fool all the people into believing that he is a god. He will be able to take over the world for many years until the Masih or Messiah comes to smite him.
Now if one would look at it, the stories in the chapter of Revelation do actually go hand in hand with what the Muslims believe. However, the Muslims believe that he comes from a land known as Khorasan which contains Iran and Afghanistan. Now if one would look carefully, this Khorasan and Assyria are very close to each other which means that this leader would definitely come from a Muslim region.
So as one can see, there are actually two books that would point out that this leader is a Muslim. It is because of these arguments that many would think whether the antichrist be a muslim or not. Both the Quran and the Bible state many things about this leader, but one thing that is sure is that he definitely shall be brought down.
Now this theory has become so popular that there were even many Bible scholars who wrote arguments about it. In a nutshell, this theory stemmed out from the fact that radical Muslims have been aiming for world domination for many years. It is because of this fact that there was a possibility that the antichrist will be part of these Muslims.
Philip Goodman is one of the most well known Bible scholars who made a book on this theory. Now he is known to only use Bible texts as his references and of course some facts from history to back it up. Now his argument here is that since the Bible says that the leader would be from the East of the former Roman empire, then he will come from Iraq because this is where the former Roman Empire is now.
He also backs it up by quoting Micah chapter five verse five which states that when the times are ending, the Assyrians would try to take over Israel. Now the land formerly known as Assyria is actually now Iraq. So in a sense, the leader, who is supposedly Assyrian, would come from Assyria which is now known as Iraq and is an Islamic nation.
Of course not only the Bible gives some subtle hints about the origin of this man but even the Quran as well. The famous prophet Muhammad was said to have dreamt of this man one time. In his dream, he saw a man with one eye and is known as the Masih ad Dajjal.
The Masih ad Dajjal is known as the false ruler who would rule the world under his own brand of Islam during Judgment Day. He is known to be a man who is able to work miracles and shall fool all the people into believing that he is a god. He will be able to take over the world for many years until the Masih or Messiah comes to smite him.
Now if one would look at it, the stories in the chapter of Revelation do actually go hand in hand with what the Muslims believe. However, the Muslims believe that he comes from a land known as Khorasan which contains Iran and Afghanistan. Now if one would look carefully, this Khorasan and Assyria are very close to each other which means that this leader would definitely come from a Muslim region.
So as one can see, there are actually two books that would point out that this leader is a Muslim. It is because of these arguments that many would think whether the antichrist be a muslim or not. Both the Quran and the Bible state many things about this leader, but one thing that is sure is that he definitely shall be brought down.
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